Sixth Form
Sixth-Form Open Evening
Thursday 16th January, 5PM - 6PM
6-6:30pm Year 11 parents information: GCSE & Beyond
Walthamstow Academy Sixth Form continues to be a high-performing post-16 provider, consistently producing strong A Level and BTEC results over many years. We offer a rigorous, inclusive and supportive environment where students are academically challenged and are role models for younger students within the Academy.
Within our framework of pastoral care, dedicated support, close monitoring and high expectations, we give these older students freedom, respect, and responsibility and they rise to the challenge. We also provide tailored academic support, expert teaching, free textbooks and revision guides, and Chromebooks for all students. In addition, we provide excellent careers advice and guidance and a myriad of extra-curricular and super-curricular opportunities, including personalised UCAS preparation and personal development. All students who want to go to university are successful and last year 49% of places were at Russell Group Universities.
We are proud that all of our students leave us as confident, ambitious and kind young people more than ready to embark on the next stage of their lives.