Community Languages

At Walthamstow Academy, we offer the opportunity to all our students to achieve a GCSE or A-Level in a wide range of community languages. Almost one in five young people have a first language other than English in this country and this is reflected in the student population at the Academy.

This year we have over 40 students are entered for a wide range of community languages. These are:

  • Arabic
  • Turkish
  • Portuguese
  • Italian
  • Polish
  • Urdu

Does your son/daughter speak a language other than English at home? Can he/she read and write the language to a good standard?

If you answered ‘Yes’ to these questions, your child may be able to take an exam in the language. If you would like to would like more information or you would like to discuss the matter further, please contact Serena Alexis,

Support for Community Language students

To help students prepare for exams in Community Languages, Walthamstow Academy will provide tuition, where necessary, and past papers will be supplied to further aid their revision.