
“Geography explains the past, illuminates the present and prepares us for the future. What could be more important than that?”

- Michael Palin. Actor, writer and television presenter. -


Curriculum Vision

The purpose of the geography curriculum is to inspire curiosity in pupils, and a fascination about the world and its people. Geography provides pupils with knowledge of diverse places, people, resources, and natural and human environments, with a deep understanding of the Earth’s physical and human processes. The geography curriculum prepares pupils for each stage of their academic journey but also the world beyond the classroom by ensuring that young people can think like geographers and use their geographical knowledge to make sense of the world around them.

All students

  • Contemporary global issues

By studying the interaction of physical and human processes in the world today, geography is uniquely placed in covering some of the most important contemporary issues facing societies today. While studying concepts such as urbanisation, globalisation, development, climate change and migration pupils will cover issues that have fundamentally changed people’s lives (and their own) around the world.

  • Physical processes

Pupils will develop an understanding of physical processes that govern the natural world. By looking at how sediment moves along the coast, the behaviour of lava or the structure of a rainforest pupils will be exposed to how the natural world works and the importance it has in its own right and for their own lives.

  • Sustainability

Geography places a significant emphasis on sustainability – providing for the current generation without hindering future generations. By studying concepts such as resource management, deforestation and climate change pupils gain an understanding of the challenges facing governments and potential solutions that could allow us to live in a more sustainable way.

  • Places

The concept of place is very important in geography. Pupils will apply the abstract to the concrete – taking the concepts we learn in the classroom and understanding how it impacts real people in real places.  This is achieved by learning about case studies throughout the key stages.

  • Evaluation

An essential skill for a geographer is to be able to consider the evidence and see several sides to an argument before drawing a conclusion. This is encouraged in all key stages but makes up a significant part of assessment at Year 9, GCSE and A level. This is very important for developing our pupils into citizens who can analyse evidence and see other people’s point of view.

  • Geographical skills

The skills acquired in geography are essential for the world of work and our every day lives. Pupils are expected to develop the ability to analyse maps, graphs, tables of data and carry out fieldwork. These are skilled that are highly valued by employers.

University and Careers


The geography curriculum prepares pupils for the knowledge and skills needed at university – especially topics taught at A-level. If pupils decide to study a course focused on physical geography then topics such as Water and Carbon Cycles, Hazards and Coasts will give pupils the foundation they need to degree-level learning. If pupils choose a course focused on human geography then parts of topics such as Global Systems and Governance, Population and the Environment and Changing Places are seen in many geography degree courses.


The geography curriculum prepares pupils for careers whether decide to go into the field of geography or not. Most industries require people to have knowledge of the contemporary issues studied in geography such as climate change or globalisation. Whether you work in an investment bank, waste management consultancy or estate agency you are likely to need to knowledge taught in geography. Furthermore, the skills learned in geography are highly sought after by employers. This includes the ability to analyse data, gather evidence to make decisions, carry out research (fieldwork), consider several arguments before making a judgement and applying maths to the real world.

Some geography specific jobs include:

  • Cartographer
  • Commercial/residential surveyor
  • Environmental consultant
  • Geographical information systems officer
  • Planning and development surveyor
  • Secondary school teacher
  • Social researcher
  • Town planner


Geography Curriculum Journey

The Geography Curriculum Journey can be viewed by clicking on the banner below:


The Geography Team

  • Ms Devon Vitalis - Head of Department
  • Mr Michael Major - Teacher of Geography
  • Ms Lola Targett - Teacher of Geography & Head of Year 8
  • Ms Alice Bearman - Teacher of Geography

For more information on our curriculum, please email for a copy of our department curriculum handbook.