Physical Education

“Obstacles don’t have to stop you. If you run into a wall, don’t turn around and give up. Figure out how to climb it, go through it, or work around it.”

- Michael Jordan -


Curriculum Vision

We believe that PE is one of the most important students can study at secondary school because it equips them with the skills, tools and experiences to enable them to maintain their own levels of physical and mental health and fitness for the rest of their life. Our curriculum expands beyond the teenager in the classroom and extends into every aspect of their adult life

The taught PE curriculum uses a mastery approach, whereby students will heavily focus on ‘skills’ within the sport and, through consistent repetition, reviewing, revisiting and practising the content, will aim to master each sporting discipline. This ensures students form strong bases of knowledge and understanding for the skills before moving on to more complex tasks and will ultimately allow our students to demonstrate these skills in a competitive situation.

The PE department offers a vast range of extra-curricular opportunities. Each term there is a selection of clubs each day after school that students can attend; early after school sports clubs offers students additional practice and recreational play. Students have the added opportunities to represent the school in their chosen sport through local fixtures, local tournaments, and local and county competitions. 

  • All students will be taught an array of skills, techniques and tactics from a variety of invasion games, net games, striking and fielding and expressional activities.
  • Fitness is strong focus here at Walthamstow Academy. Students will gain an understanding of the importance of having a good well-being. We also aim to teach students the importance of nutrition and personal hygiene.
  • Our curriculum provides students an experiencing to try a range of sports such as, football, handball, trampoline, cricket, softball, athletics, table tennis, basketball and many more.
  • We ensure that students are not only taught practically, but theatrically as well. We provide students with an understanding of the scientific principles which underpin PE. Human biology, movement analysis, psychology and ethical and socio-cultural issues in physical activity and sport are some of the amazing topics that student will learn.


University and Careers


All staff share with students, via a high-profile display board, where they went to university and what they studied.


Many of our leaver can go on to careers in a variety sports industries such as sports coaching, strength and conditioning, rehab and rehabilitation, media and journalisms, diet and nutritionist and many more.  

The students develop these skills through a varied curriculum covering Invasion Games, Dance, Trampolining, Fitness through Invasion Games, Athletics, Tracking and Fielding. Students are assessed through the use of the newly develop KPI’s which embody the United Learning and Walthamstow Academy PE departments ethos and aims for the curriculum. 


Physical Education Curriculum Journey

The Physical Education  Curriculum Journey can be viewed by clicking on the banner below:


The Physical Education Team

  • Ms Iona Mills – Head of PE 
  • Mr Ruel Gibson - Teacher of PE
  • Mr Aristo Jackson – Teacher of PE & Head of Year 9

For more information on our curriculum, please email for a copy of our department curriculum handbook.


PE Kit

  • Walthamstow Academy PE t-shirt
  • Walthamstow Academy PE shorts
  • Navy blue tracksuit bottoms
  • Navy blue socks
  • Trainers/running shoes