
“Equipped with his five senses, man explores the Universe around him and calls the adventure Science” 

- Edwin Hubble -

Curriculum Vision

At Walthamstow Academy, we passionately believe that studying science is a fundamental part of a broad and full education. We believe this because:

  1. Every one of our students has the right and the responsibility to become a scientifically informed citizen. Scientifically informed citizens are critical thinkers, they understand how to interpret data and where to seek evidence for scientific statements; this means they are equipped to be successful in the modern world.
  2. Every one of our students has the right to understand how the natural world works, from their own bodies to the life cycle of stars. All of our students should understand the basic principles that underpin biology, chemistry and physics so that they can place their own experiences in the context of scientific knowledge. Knowing why you have your father’s nose shape, or what you are seeing when you stare at the night’s sky, makes for a fuller and richer experience of life.
  3. The modern world cannot be fully understood without an appreciation of the special place of the scientific method in our history. To trace the path of scientific knowledge, and to understand how it was gained, is to understand much of the world we live in today. Our students learn to understand the value of doubt, as opposed to the value of faith, when seeking new knowledge.
  4. The challenges faced by humanity have been caused to some extent by science, and can only be solved with its help. The jobs of the future will increasingly require scientific knowledge. Our curriculum ensures our students will be the scientists and engineers of tomorrow.

All students

We are ambitious for, and have high expectations of, all of our pupils and know that every student can experience success in science through careful sequencing of the curriculum and high-quality, research-informed teaching and learning.

Acquisition of knowledge

  1. We believe that every student at Walthamstow Academy, regardless of prior or current attainment, has the right to access the centuries-old, rich body of scientific knowledge, from Mendeleev's periodic table through Watson and Crick’s discovery of the structure of DNA.
  2. Our consistent use of explicit instruction and systematic retrieval practice across all classes ensures all students make progress in science, including those with SEND.

Application of knowledge

  1. Our curriculum introduces students to the ‘big ideas’ in science. These are applied over the years to a  range of different contexts allowing students to make links as well as practising applying knowledge.
  2. The science curriculum draws together 100s of years of scientific discovery but is taught in a way that is applicable to our student’s every day experience. We do this by relating our curriculum to science in the news and current issues e.g. COVID-19 pandemic when teaching infection and response in Y10.

Understanding the scientific method

  1. Science has been discovered over the centuries through the scientific method. Through our curriculum, students are made aware of historical significant discoveries and scientific method that led to the discoveries.
  2. The scientific method skills are embedded in lessons, and always taught within a science context. We do not have standalone working scientifically units or lessons, and wherever possible each skill will be delivered across each of the three sciences to improve fluency.


University and Careers


All staff share with students, via a high-profile display board, where they went to university and what they studied. Science at A-level is gateway subject to STEM degree courses. Recent examples include medicine, computer, mechanical engineering, mathematics, chemical engineering, biochemistry, marine biology and biology, chemistry and physics.


By studying science to Key Stage 5 students develop many skills that are sought by employers. These include critical thinking, problem solving, data analysis, planning and evaluating.

Studying science to Key Stage 5 and beyond can lead to many different careers. These include:
archaeologist, biomedical engineer, biostatistician, botanist, data analyst, data scientist, ecologist, forensic scientist, immunologist, marine biologist, microbiologist, oceanographer, pathologist, pharmacologist,  veterinarian and zoologist.


Science Curriculum Journey

The Science Curriculum Journey can be viewed by clicking on the banner below:


The Science Team

The Science Department at Walthamstow Academy is made up of enthusiastic teachers who are passionate about their subject. Students are encouraged to ask teachers about their degree subjects in order to promote careers in science.

  • Ms Bailey Wolkowski - Head of Science
  • Ms Sahar Ahmed – Head of Year 10
  • Ms Halima Alam – Head of Chemistry
  • Ms Shokra Navabi - Teacher of Science
  • Ms Sannah Naeem - Teacher of Science
  • Mr Nigel Patterson – Head of Physics
  • Ms Charlotte Sinanan - Head of Biology
  • Ms Jale Tosunoglu - Teacher of Science
  • Mr Ilke Aumeerally - Teacher of Science
  • Ms Aishah Israeel - Teacher of Science
  • Ms Iffath Choudhury - Teacher of Science
  • Ms Nouhad Marouf - Senior Science Technician
  • Mr Salman Dalal - Science Technician

For more information on our curriculum, please email for a copy of our department curriculum handbook.